Lollipop Chainsaw Wiki

Extra information[]

"the weakest of the Dark Purveyors"

I don't believe this type of information is important on each side of the Dark Purveyors. It could be put in the trivia, but I feel like some of theses appears to be something you put on trivia.

18:38, October 14, 2012 (UTC)WhitePinoy (talk)

Zombies or demons?[]

Personally, I think the Dark Purveyors are demons, shown by their supernatural powers, none of which zombies have. Their human/superhuman intelligence would also show this to be the case. As is their hobby of creating illusions.

What you think?

DarkIngRidley 19:43, October 14, 2012 (UTC)

At first I thought they were actually demons, but when I saw that All with the exception of Josey were rotting, it sort of revealed their zombies. Also I'm pretty sure that said they are zombies is true as it appears to be said within the game.

20:36, October 14, 2012 (UTC)
